------- Erratum Title: On uniqueness of ODEs perturbed by a Brownian path Author: Lukas Wresch ------- Page 14, Line 9 $f(s, \pi(s))^2$ -> $|f(s, \pi(s))|_{\mathbb R^d}^2$ Page 38, Line 13 Where $M$ and $N_t$ are Lebesgue zero sets -> Where $M$ and $\tilde N_t$ are Lebesgue zero sets Page 85, Line 7 Define $u^{(k)} \in \mathcal C( [0,T], \mathbb R)$ -> Define $u^{(k)} \in \mathcal C( [0,T], \mathbb R^d)$ Page 85, Line 16 is compact in $\mathcal C( [0,T], \mathbb R)$ -> is compact in $\mathcal C( [0,T], \mathbb R^d)$ Page 85, Line 16 We have $u \in \mathcal C( [0,T], \mathbb R)$ with -> We have $u \in \mathcal C( [0,T], \mathbb R^d)$ with